Laboratory Medicine Program

Catecholamines, plasma
(Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, Dopamine)

Clinical Decription:
Catecholamines are biologically active amines; epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine, derived from the amino acid tyrosine. These amines have a marked effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, metabolic rate, temperature and smooth muscle.

Method: LC-MS/MS

Component Tests Used: Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, Dopamine

Reference Ranges Used:
Norepinephrine: 0.5 – 3.1 nmol/L; Epinephrine: < 1.1 nmol/L; Dopamine: < 0.13 nmol/L; Note: supine position only. Higher catecholamine concentrations are observed in specimens collected from upright or standing adults.

Specimen Type: 2 Lavender EDTA 3.0 mL or 6.0 mL Lavender EDTA
Collected In: EDTA
Volume: 5 mL (minimum: 2 mL)

Shipping: Sample on dry ice

Special Instructions: Patient must refrain from eating, using tobacco and drinking caffeinated beverages for at least 4 hours before the specimen is drawn. Patient must be in supine position for at least 30 minutes prior to specimen collection. Place tube on ice immediately after collection. Centrifuge and aliquot sample.

Testing Schedule(s): Weekly.

Turnaround Time: 7-14 days

For more information, call 416.340.5227 or 1.866.865.5227