Laboratory Medicine Program


Clinical Decription:
The principal action of aldosterone is in the control of salt and water balance. The effect of aldosterone is predominantly on the distal tubular network, effecting an increase in sodium reabsorption in exchange for potassium.
<br/><em>Aldosterone Kit Package Insert</em>

Method: Chemiluminescent ; Liaison

Component Tests Used: n/a

Reference Ranges Used:
Normal salt intake: Standing 165-969 pmol/L; Recumbent 76-523 pmol/L; Aldosterone: Renin ratio:>100 pmol/ng

Specimen Type: Lavender EDTA
Collected In: EDTA
Volume: 3 mL (minimum: 1 mL)

Shipping: Sample on dry ice

Special Instructions: Centrifuge and aliquot samples.

Testing Schedule(s): on request, but must be a minimum of 25 samples, 4 week prior arrangement.

Turnaround Time: 14 days

For more information, call 416.340.5227 or 1.866.865.5227