Laboratory Medicine Program


Clinical Decription:
The measurement of protein is used in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of diseases involving the liver, kidney, or bone marrow, as well as other metabolic and nutritional disorders.
<br/><em>Bayer Advia 1650 Protein package insert Bayer Advia 1650 Manufacturer's Manual</em>

Method: Automated method; c16000

Component Tests Used: n/a

Reference Ranges Used:
65 - 80 g/L

Specimen Type: green,lithium heparin.PST(plasma separator)
Collected In: Lithium heparin
Volume: 3 mL (minimum: 1 mL)

Shipping: room temperature or 4C

Special Instructions: n/a

Testing Schedule(s): on demand.

Turnaround Time: 1 day

For more information, call 416.340.5227 or 1.866.865.5227